Be a Friend with High E.Q., Not Just I.Q.

Why do you think it is important to get surrounded with people who have high Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) whenever you are facing the biggest struggles in your life? Having a high E.Q. is much more beneficial than having a high I.Q. in most situations. This is one thing I have observed mostly every time I >>>Read full article

How I Melted Down When I Unmasked the Narcissist

I am dedicating this to those who experienced the emotional shock, melted down, and are trying to overcome the pain and trauma brought about by the event when you finally unmasked and confronted the Narcissist in your life. WARNING: This article can cause triggers. When I slightly recovered from the trauma of what I’ve gone >>>Read full article

A Simple Staycation at Astoria Greenbelt (2019)

I’ve been a Club Member of Astoria Vacation and Leisure Club, Inc. (AVLCI) for years now but it was our first time to check-in at their facility at Greenbelt, Makati area (Astoria Greenbelt) We had a 3-day and 2-night stay because I was in a hurry to use up all my credits expiring in December >>>Read full article

How I Applied for a Solo Parent ID (And Renewed It)

There are a lot of reference materials online that you can find which tell you how to apply for a Solo Parent ID and what requirements you should prepare in order to do so. Let me give you a straightforward idea by sharing with you my own experience when I applied for one. I also >>>Read full article

8 Campaigns & Offers for Lazada 12.12 Grand Year-End Sale 2019

To help you get ready for the upcoming Lazada 12.12 Grand Year End Sale of 2019, I have here the list of campaigns & offers to help you find all the items that you MUST ADD TO CART as early as now. You know the drill! Just click on the image links to get directed >>>Read full article

What Is An Empath Supernova?

A Supernova is an empath with the incredible ability to show stamina while in a relationship with someone who has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). He/She knows how to appreciate and value everyone but understands his/her own value, too. He/She is resourceful enough to turn the tables around if the situation calls for it, especially >>>Read full article

My Worst Experience After Giving Birth

In this article, I’m sharing my worst experience after giving birth to my first child — Bleu. WARNING: This post may be a bit of a TMI (Too Much Information), gross, and emotional that only mothers and the likes might appreciate. I must admit that I didn’t really take care of myself post the delivery >>>Read full article

Top Selling Gift Ideas for Holiday 2019

So the BIGGEST ONE DAY SALE of 2019 may have been over but perhaps you still have not completely checked all the items off your gift list for the upcoming holiday season. I personally have the same concern year after year after year because I don’t choose to buy gifts too early, anticipating that a >>>Read full article

Top Campaigns and Offers for 11.11 Biggest One Day Sale

In this article, I’m sharing the top campaigns and offers by Lazada during its biggest one day sale. Are you preparing for Lazada’s Biggest One Day Sale happening on November 11th? The 11.11 Lazada One Day Sale is dubbed as the BIGGEST EVENT in online shopping for 2019. As we all know, this is an >>>Read full article

10 Ways to Save Money While You Spend

Do you always find it difficult to save money because you earn just enough to get through the month or even a single cut-off? Are you always getting frustrated thinking that you spend more than you earn? Therefore, nothing is practically left for the rainy days. Well, if you find it too challenging to have >>>Read full article