My Cesarean Section Delivery Experience at the Makati Medical Center (And How Much I Paid For It)

In this article, I’m sharing with you my personal experience when I gave birth to my daughter, Bleu, via Cesarean Section Delivery at the Makati Medical Center on October 30, 2017. I’ve been wanting to create this article for a long time but I never had the chance, until this Enhanced Community Quarantine allowed me >>>Read full article

Be a Friend with High E.Q., Not Just I.Q.

Why do you think it is important to get surrounded with people who have high Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) whenever you are facing the biggest struggles in your life? Having a high E.Q. is much more beneficial than having a high I.Q. in most situations. This is one thing I have observed mostly every time I >>>Read full article

My Worst Experience After Giving Birth

In this article, I’m sharing my worst experience after giving birth to my first child — Bleu. WARNING: This post may be a bit of a TMI (Too Much Information), gross, and emotional that only mothers and the likes might appreciate. I must admit that I didn’t really take care of myself post the delivery >>>Read full article

10 Ways to Save Money While You Spend

Do you always find it difficult to save money because you earn just enough to get through the month or even a single cut-off? Are you always getting frustrated thinking that you spend more than you earn? Therefore, nothing is practically left for the rainy days. Well, if you find it too challenging to have >>>Read full article

We Lose Some to Gain More

It is inevitable to lose some people in our lives. In life, there really are so many things that we cannot understand whenever unexpected things happen. Many of us may have lost some people whom we value so much in our lives that’s why we stop moving on. This happens when we choose to hold >>>Read full article

Don’t Laugh at Someone’s Misfortune

In this article, I’m sharing my point of view why we should not laugh at someone’s misfortune. I remember having one of this fierce conversations with my ex-husband when he was telling me a story about one of his ex-girlfriends. Apparently, he recently came to know that this ex-girlfriend of his ended up with a >>>Read full article